I took this picture on the way to the hospital and thought it was a perfect Beginning to an amazing story
As a Medium and Reiki Master, I give a lot of significance to dreams. I know that our guides will sometimes use our dreams as a method of communication to us. We don’t always listen in a waking state, so they have to use any way they can to communicate and I kept having dreams of being pregnant. I knew that was not possible, and I started questioning them. After the 4th dream, I ask my guides what in the world they had to tell me, enough was enough. The answer came loud and clear, Pregnant with Possibilities! Really, really, all these dreams for that?? Yes REALLY! I still was not sure exactly what that meant so I ask them to bring me the people that I could help, and the story begins there.
A client of mine, Laura was pregnant. She was a very special client because during a reading months before I could feel a new child coming in soon. Soon, as in I felt like she could already be pregnant and I told her that. The next day she took a pregnancy test that had a faint positive, therefore she did not trust it. A few days later she took another test that came back with an emphatic positive! Talk about a huge sigh of relief on my part.
In the beginning of her pregnancy I approached her about doing Reiki toward the end and possibly during labor. She agreed to be my guinea pig after I told her about my other experiences with Reiki during labor. A few months later, at the end of her pregnancy, I see her posting on a networking site about how uncomfortable she is so I again reached out reminding her of the agreement we had made.
We made an appointment for the next week and I went to her house. At this time she was about 38 1/2 weeks, very pregnant and very uncomfortable. She was having hip pain, restless nights and difficulty moving around in general. We did Reiki for about an hour and afterward she felt wonderful! She couldn’t believe that she could walk without pain.
The day before her due date I went back over for another treatment. About 40 minutes into the treatment, she started having contractions. Laura thought they were Braxton Hicks since they didn’t hurt. Instinct told me that this could be the real thing.
So she called her husband, went to the doctor and I went home to wait......
A few hours later she called to tell me she was on her way to the hospital. When I got there I found a smiling mother and father to be walking the halls. Laura again commented that she could not believe she was really in labor because she was in no pain.
Several hours later, after a full day of Reiki, her water was broken and she delivered a healthy happy baby girl with minimal pain and 5 pushes!
Laura was kind enough to write a review of her experience and I have included it below:
I had a wonderful experience giving birth because of Diana and I wanted to share with you all in case you are looking for a little extra help giving birth, are concerned your baby isn't in position, or just want some extra care to your baby before he or she is born.
Diana came to my house to perform some Reiki on me a day before my due date to make sure things were looking good, that the baby was still in position, and that both the baby and my body knew what they were supposed to do to give birth. After an hour of the Reiki, I began to have contractions that were painless and all under seven minutes apart. This was shocking to me as I had no indication I was anywhere close to giving birth besides how close my due date was. Very few Braxton Hicks, no pain for a few weeks, etc. When Diana was performing Reiki, they were closer than when she took a break. I could not believe I could be in labor as I had no pain at all, but Diana convinced me to call my OB. I went in, my Dr. told me to walk around for a bit and call if I got any pain. I did, and about 1.5 hours later, I had a bit of back pain. I was told to go to the hospital, where they checked me out, saw that I had progressed in the past couple of hours, and admitted me.
Diana came to see me in the hospital right away, continuing to perform Reiki on me. My pain at this point was minimal. I felt it, but it was manageable and easy to endure. I decided to get an epidural just in case things got worse (mostly because I'm a chicken!), and she made sure that this didn't slow down my progression. My water was broken not much later by the OB, and within a half hour, with Reiki still being performed, I went from 5 cm and not effaced to 10 cm and totally effaced. During this time I had more pain even through the epidural, but it was manageable. Diana was great at taking me to a great place mentally that I could picture very well, which was surprising to me because I'm not very good at visualizing things normally. She then left right before I needed to push. My delivery was very easy, taking about 5 sets of 3 pushes each before my daughter was born.
This was a totally different experience than my previous birth, which was painful, confusing, and included lots of drugs and three hours of pushing. I know it was all because of Diana. She was able to put me into labor as well as help with my pain management and progression. I credit her with an easy labor and delivery. If any of you are worried about your baby's position, looking for an easier birth, or would like some help with pain management, you should consider Diana. She is fabulous!
On a separate note, she also has helped me in other ways. She came by the week before I gave birth and did Reiki on an issue area on my breast that was acting up. I had mastitis in that one place three times when I was breastfeeding DS, and I could already feel it clogging up with all my colostrum (which I produced a ton of). She zapped it, and I have not had any weird feelings or problems there since. Diana also was the one who told me I was pregnant during one of her spooky nights. I was totally shocked because I had been off birth control for only a couple of weeks and had not really been trying. And best of all, she knew the temperment of DD from the beginning of my pregnancy. DS was a very fussy and difficult baby for me, and I was quite concerned DD would be that way too. But Diana knew that she'd be calm and more easy going, and she was totally correct. It's been three weeks now, and DD is calm, a good sleeper, and overall an easy baby.
In conclusion, I cannot recommend her enough!
Diana came to my house to perform some Reiki on me a day before my due date to make sure things were looking good, that the baby was still in position, and that both the baby and my body knew what they were supposed to do to give birth. After an hour of the Reiki, I began to have contractions that were painless and all under seven minutes apart. This was shocking to me as I had no indication I was anywhere close to giving birth besides how close my due date was. Very few Braxton Hicks, no pain for a few weeks, etc. When Diana was performing Reiki, they were closer than when she took a break. I could not believe I could be in labor as I had no pain at all, but Diana convinced me to call my OB. I went in, my Dr. told me to walk around for a bit and call if I got any pain. I did, and about 1.5 hours later, I had a bit of back pain. I was told to go to the hospital, where they checked me out, saw that I had progressed in the past couple of hours, and admitted me.
Diana came to see me in the hospital right away, continuing to perform Reiki on me. My pain at this point was minimal. I felt it, but it was manageable and easy to endure. I decided to get an epidural just in case things got worse (mostly because I'm a chicken!), and she made sure that this didn't slow down my progression. My water was broken not much later by the OB, and within a half hour, with Reiki still being performed, I went from 5 cm and not effaced to 10 cm and totally effaced. During this time I had more pain even through the epidural, but it was manageable. Diana was great at taking me to a great place mentally that I could picture very well, which was surprising to me because I'm not very good at visualizing things normally. She then left right before I needed to push. My delivery was very easy, taking about 5 sets of 3 pushes each before my daughter was born.
This was a totally different experience than my previous birth, which was painful, confusing, and included lots of drugs and three hours of pushing. I know it was all because of Diana. She was able to put me into labor as well as help with my pain management and progression. I credit her with an easy labor and delivery. If any of you are worried about your baby's position, looking for an easier birth, or would like some help with pain management, you should consider Diana. She is fabulous!
On a separate note, she also has helped me in other ways. She came by the week before I gave birth and did Reiki on an issue area on my breast that was acting up. I had mastitis in that one place three times when I was breastfeeding DS, and I could already feel it clogging up with all my colostrum (which I produced a ton of). She zapped it, and I have not had any weird feelings or problems there since. Diana also was the one who told me I was pregnant during one of her spooky nights. I was totally shocked because I had been off birth control for only a couple of weeks and had not really been trying. And best of all, she knew the temperment of DD from the beginning of my pregnancy. DS was a very fussy and difficult baby for me, and I was quite concerned DD would be that way too. But Diana knew that she'd be calm and more easy going, and she was totally correct. It's been three weeks now, and DD is calm, a good sleeper, and overall an easy baby.
In conclusion, I cannot recommend her enough!
Awesome, wish I had known you when my two were born. Great blog and can't wait to read more!